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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Personal Prediction for the world markets next month

As I have told people that gold will rise to its highest in the year, some believed me, some didn't (especially my mom lol). Many gold stocks also made their new highs, and many of them increased more than 100% in value in 3 weeks!

What I think will happen next is that next week or later next month the stock market will FALL. There will be a correction after the market has risen for almost three consecutive months. So what will happen next is that the market will fall in the month of October. Commodity prices will fall, going for a correction as well. The other effect would be the rise of the USD and JPY as people seek these currencies as a safe heaven.


Actions to Take:
-long USD and JPY
-Short AUS and CAD
-Sell stocks, and book profit, and wait till mid november and buy in again.

(this is a personal judgement, I will take no responsible for any losses. It is just what I will do, it is not a recommendation to take action. And there are risks associated to these trades) BUT Happy Investing!

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